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When you first start, you generally rent your equipment. But as you gain experience, or as you enjoy diving more, you begin to consider buying your own equipment. In this article, we will discuss 5 Pros of Owning and 5 Pros of Renting. There are no Cons because even if some of the pros in owning can be cons in renting, I want to be as objective as possible to both sides so that you can decide for yourselves.

5 Things to Know About Owning Scuba Equipment:

1. Comfort: Oh, you will be comfortable! Both in terms of fit (which we will discuss as the second item) and in terms of psychological comfort. You will know how it functions, how it performs, what to expect from it. This may take some time for some equipment like masks or dry suits to get to that comfort level. But when you get used to it, you won’t want to dive without it. That’s why most divers use the same model for years, and they go and buy the same one when the old one is broken.
2. Fit: Before you buy a piece of equipment, you try it, consider it, search for the alternatives, and compare prices… You will put the time in the buying process. This cannot be possible with rental equipment because simply you won’t have that much time or options. So, most probably, the suit (or any other piece of equipment) that you own would have a better fitting than a rental one. It reflects your style, it works better with other pieces (especially in BCD and regulator case). Also, masks, boots, and suits will take the shape of your body over time, so it will fit better as you use them.
3. Hygiene: This topic is a big concern for some of the beginners. It’s normal to be skeptical about equipment’s hygiene, especially the mouthpieces, suits etc. Dive centers are well aware of the risks, so they clean the equipment at the end of each day. Some dive centers are better at these than others. But still, if you are extremely careful about these things, then don’t risk it and buy your own equipment. At least the critical ones. You will feel much more relaxed underwater when you are not thinking about the body fluids of another diver!
4. Maintenance: If you own your equipment, you will know it is well maintained, or it needs maintenance. You can be prepared for possible malfunctions with spare parts or tools. You can feel much more control over the situations regarding your equipment. It is also a good idea to have a thorough knowledge about the functioning and characteristics of basic scuba equipment. You can take PADI’s Equipment Specialist course, which has a great Touch product with incredibly informative videos.


5. Being a better diver: Don’t get me wrong, you can be an excellent diver and rent your equipment. I’m not here to judge. All I want to say is, it is a fact that when you know your equipment, it will be easier for you to adjust and trim your weight, you will be more balanced and comfortable underwater. And these will make you a better diver sooner. You will learn the tricks to PPB (peak performance buoyancy) faster with your own equipment.

5 Things to Know About Renting Scuba Equipment:

1. Easy to Travel: What can be better than taking your small bag and leave? I envy this simplicity sometimes. :) The best part of renting is, you can travel light. You are free from the anxieties of traveling with equipment. You won’t worry about excess luggage, lost luggage or the possibility of damage!
2. No heavy stuff: You are most probably not exempted from the donning and getting in water part, but you won’t be dragging a large bag around. You will only bring yourself and your essentials to the diving site and that’s it. At the end of the day, the equipment will be wet and heavier, which makes things worse. So, it definitely is a pro for renting.
3. Storage: This is a more common excuse for not buying than you may think. Some people don’t have space in their home or office for dive equipment. And some are also not very fond of the smell of the neoprene. If you live in a small space, you may prefer renting for practicality reasons.
4. Cleaning and Maintenance: Yes, maintenance again! But this time, with a different perspective. If you rent, you won’t be bothered with keeping track of maintenance, going and checking and changing and fixing and all that. These are not that frequent, but still, need some kind of tracking. Not dealing with the maintenance can be a relief. This is also true for cleaning. For some divers, cleaning is not the best part especially if you dive in sandy or silty bottoms!
5. Financial Investment: The last but not the least, buying is a serious financial investment when you consider the whole set. Some dive centers don’t charge extra for renting (but it is not that common), so it is a good idea to compare the costs of renting and buying. If you see diving as a lifelong journey, then it is best to make the investment once (or twice in a lifetime) and dive with your own equipment. But don’t make assumptions, calculate and see which is more profitable for you in the long run. Renting may seem reasonable, but when you calculate it, you may be surprised by the total!

So, we want to hear from you: What is your point of view? Do you own your scuba set or do you prefer to rent? Share with us!

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