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Aqua Club Dalgıç Okulu - 1996'dan beri...


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Aqua Club Dive Center - Since 1996...
Önemli Duyuru / Announcement

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We all want to help a person in an emergency. But the anxiety of messing things up, fear of infection transmission, or the desperation of not knowing what to do may prevent us from helping. Can you imagine someone who hesitated to help you or your loved ones with such excuses in an emergency? When you think about this, we better understand the necessity of this course. If you take this course, you will learn internationally recognized (ILCOR accredited) CPR and First Aid skills and help someone in need with confidence.
Be a diver or not, everyone can attend this course, with no age limits. If you are planning to become a PADI Rescue Diver, this is a must course, so you should definitely consider taking this course.


There are no prerequisites for this course. Everyone can attend.


Course Sections and Duration

Emergency First Response Primary and Secondary Care course is completed in the classroom and has two sections. The first section is knowledge development which contains presentations and videos discussing the importance of first aid, first aid techniques, and skills. The second section contains practical skills on mannequins.
The course can be completed in 9 hours (Either 3 weekday nights or one full day on a Saturday). Once you complete knowledge development, practical skills sections, and the final exam, you will receive an internationally recognized EFR CPR and First Aid certification.



Course Content

The course content covers both life-threatening situations and secondary medical conditions. The life-threatening issues (also called Primary Care or CPR skills) include:

  • Scene Assessment
  • Barrier Use
  • CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
  • Choking
  • Serious Bleeding
  • Shock Management
  • Spinal Injury Management

Secondary medical conditions which aren’t immediately life-threatening but require medical help may also be applied to victims who are away from emergency medical services. Managing these conditions is called Secondary Care or First Aid. This part contains:

  • Injury Assessment
  • Illness Assessment
  • Bandaging
  • Splinting

In addition to these topics and skills, AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) and Emergency Oxygen Use are also covered and practiced in the course.
If you are a diver, this course will help you to continue your diving education and to develop extended knowledge of diving-related medical conditions.


Course Price

EFR Primary and Secondary Course price is - TL, EFR Primary and Secondary Care training material and certification fee is - TL. The total of - TL is paid during course registration. This price includes all lessons, training materials, and certification fees.



The EFR certification card is valid for 2 years (this is a general rule for all CPR and First Aid certifications). We recommend you renew your certification every two years by attending our courses and paying the certification fee to stay up to date and refresh your skills.


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